I am totally serious this time and I know you will all agree, this bag is totally suitable for a man. Not only is it super manly but it is perfectly utilitarian, which apparently is the only thing men care about if they are in the market for a bag. I love Loro Piana, of course their cashmere but their bags, as well. Tina and I have several between us. It is such good quality, the leather is comparable to the level of superiority their cashmere is known for and all the styles are designed for function.
But the ones I think are stylish and chic, he will not be caught dead in. That's why this bag is so great - it is really the best of both worlds. It has the signature tab detail over the essential and handy big outer zipper compartment. The interior has all the pockets and slots for gadgets and do0dads. See, he doesn't have to use a backpack or nylon messenger! Christimas is sneaking up quickly so keep this is mind for the men in your life. $4710 and only comes in this brown. Call Jeanie at the South Coast Plaza boutique at 714-432-1301 to order.