We already have talked about how grey is one of the hottest colors for F/W 08, so it’s no wonder that handbags are cropping up by the dozen in this neutral shade. Personally, I feel grey washes me out whether it’s a Tri-Blend tee from American Apparel or a purse, so I try to stay away. For those of you blessed with gorgeously non-pale complexions, I welcome you to rock the grey bags with full force this season, as the color promises to stick around for spring. I love grey accompanies with colors like canary yellow and cobalt for a look that is thoroughly fresh and modern. This tote from Banana Republic is a great way to get in on the trend without breaking the bank. The Robson Hexagonal tote retails for $260, but it’s so roomy and versatile that it would go for a lot more than that if it were sitting in some fancy department store. The large bag is perfect for the office, and works just as well for those of us who travel like it’s our job (and for some, it is). The grey is an online exclusive color, so head to your nearest BR, try the Robson on, and then head back home and order it in the season’s most chic neutral (yes, apparently neutrals go in and out too these days).