Tristan Tondino (born on July 3, 1961) is an Irrealist painter/artist and a member of La Raza Group 2006, born in Montreal, Canada. Tondino then made his living for a time as a scenic painting, art director and also with screen writer.
In the late-1990s Tondino painted and displayed a number of works that he himself called Irrealist. His work cannot truly be said to have a precise style, anyhow many are Lettrist abstractions. Tondino’s parents were painter/educator Gentile Tondino RCA (1923–2001) and Livia Tondino (1925–2003). Gentile Tondino was his primary early painting influence.
He painted 40 works on a trip to Europe, which burned in a car fire on the Amalfi coast during 1987. In the 1990s Tondino started devoting himself even more seriously to the creation of artworks. The early works then move back and forth from En plein air (e) paintings to works was mainly influenced by Willem de Kooning and Pablo Picasso. These early works are colorful, free paintings in a direct impasto technique.
In the late-1990s Tondino painted and displayed a number of works that he himself called Irrealist. His work cannot truly be said to have a precise style, anyhow many are Lettrist abstractions. Tondino’s parents were painter/educator Gentile Tondino RCA (1923–2001) and Livia Tondino (1925–2003). Gentile Tondino was his primary early painting influence.
He painted 40 works on a trip to Europe, which burned in a car fire on the Amalfi coast during 1987. In the 1990s Tondino started devoting himself even more seriously to the creation of artworks. The early works then move back and forth from En plein air (e) paintings to works was mainly influenced by Willem de Kooning and Pablo Picasso. These early works are colorful, free paintings in a direct impasto technique.