How To Varnish an Acrylic or Oil Painting
1.Ensure your painting is completely dry. Allow several months for an oil painting to dry properly. Depending on the thickness of the paint, this could be up to nine months.
2.Clean the painting so it's free from dust, dirt, and grease. Lay the painting flat, then dampen a bit of cotton wool with clean water.
3. Dry the painting with another bit of cotton wool. With your fingers, gently remove any cotton fibers that have been caught in the paint.
4.Leave your painting to dry for several hours, or overnight. Lean it against a wall, face inwards.
5.Use a flat bristle brush to apply the varnish. If you don't want your painting to be too shiny, use a matt varnish rather than a gloss one.
6.With the painting flat, work from the top to the bottom, applying the varnish in parallel strokes from one edge of the painting to the other. Always work in the same direction.
7.When the first coat of varnish is dry, apply a second coat at right angles to the first. This will give you a good, even finish.
8.Leave the painting flat for at least 10 minutes after you've finished varnishing to stop the varnish running down the painting. Then prop it up against a wall to dry, face inwards.
9.To test whether the varnish is dry or not, touch the edge of the painting to see if it's still tacky. It should dry within a day or two, depending on the weather.
How To Prime a Canvas For Acrylics or Oils?
Everyone know that the next step is to prime it so you can paint on it when you've stretched a vanvas. With a ready-made gesso suitable for both acrylic and oil painting, this is easy.
a .Make sure you buy a bottle of gesso that's suitable for both acrylic and oil painting. This dries very fast and is painted directly on to the stretched canvas.
b.Shake the container very well before using. Do not skip this step!
c.Decide whether you're going to apply one or a few coats of gesso. One coat gives a rougher finish. If you're applying only one coat, use the gesso as it comes out of the bottle.
d.If you're going to apply several coats, dilute the gesso with a mixture of half acrylic gloss medium and half water.
e. Using an old, wide brush, apply the gesso directly to the stretched canvas in even strokes. Work from the top to the bottom of the canvas, in parallel strokes from one edge to the other.
f. When you're done, wash your brush out immediately with soap and water. Once gesso has dried on a brush, it won't come out.
1.A cheap decorating brush works well, but wash it several times before you use it as the hairs tend to fall out. If you want the brush to be thinner, cut off some of the hairs with a pair of scissors.
2.Instead of diluting the gesso, you can sand down the canvas between coats if you want a smoother finish.
3.Gesso thinned with water only, rather than gloss medium and water, tends to crack.
4.Gesso can also be used to prime hardboard.
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Did Van Gogh use Tea Towels?
The examination of the works that Van Gogh created during his time in the mental asylum in Saint Remy reveal that the artist used a tea towel for "The Large Plane Trees" and "Wheatfields in a Mountainous Landscape."
Van Gogh tended to use unorthodox materials only when he had to, so these oils on tea towel tend to be dated together. Van Gogh was often short of money and materials.
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Artist - Duchamp
While he is most often linked with the Dada and Surrealism movements, his contribution in Surrealism was largely behind the scenes, and after being concerned in New York Dada, he barely participated in Paris Dada.
Thousands of books and articles effort to interpret Duchamp’s work and philosophy, but in interviews and his script Duchamp only added to the mystery. The interpretations were paying attention and creations of their own, and as reflections of the interpreter.A playful man, Duchamp prodded idea about artistic processes and art advertising, not so much with words, but with actions such as dubbing a urinal art and naming it Fountain, and by “giving up” art to cooperate chess. He produced comparatively few artworks, as he rapidly moved during the avant-garde rhythms of his time.
“The creative act is not performed by the artist alone; the spectator brings the work in contact with the external world by deciphering and interpreting its inner qualifications and thus adds his contribution to the creative act.”
Living and working in a studio in Montparnasse, Marcel Duchamp’s early on works were Post-Impressionist in method but he would become perhaps the most powerful of the Dada artists. A student at the Academy Julian, his influence is still powerfully felt to this day by contemporary artists.
At his eldest brother Jacques’ home, in 1911 the Duchamp brothers prearranged a regular discussion group with artists and critics such as Francis Picabia, Robert Delaunay, Fernand Leger and others that soon were dubbed the Puteaux Group.
Artists - Lucian Freud
Freud was born in Berlin, Germany in 1922, son of Jewish parents Ernst Ludwig Freud, a designer, and Lucie nee Brasch. He is the grandson of Sigmund Freud and the brother of Clement Freud, Freud and his family moved to the UK in 1933 due to the rise of Nazism, gaining British citizenship in 1939. During this period he was present at Darting ton Hall School in Totnes, Devon, and then Bryans Ton School.
Freud studied briefly at the Central School of Art in London then, with larger success, at Cedric Morris’s East Anglian School of Painting and Drawing in Dedham. Thereafter, he served as a merchant sea-man in an Atlantic convoy in 1941 previous to being invalided out of service in 1942. Freud’s first solo display, at the Lefebvre Gallery in 1944, featured the now renowned The Painter’s Room. In the summer of 1946, he traveled to Paris before ongoing to Italy for several months. Since then he has live and worked in London.
Freud’s early paintings are frequently associated with surrealism and depict people and plants in strange juxtapositions. These works are typically painted with quite thin paint, but from the 1950s he began to paint portraits, frequently nudes, to the approximately complete exclusion of everything else, and began to use a thicker impasto. The colors’ in these paintings are naturally muted.
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Painter- Edward Hopper
Born in Nyack, New York, Hopper studied money-making art and painting in New York City. One of his teachers, artist Robert Henri, motivated his students to use their art to “make a stir in the world.” Henri, an also influence on Hopper, motivated students to make realistic depictions of urban life. Henri’s students, a lot of whom developed into important artists, become known as the Ashcan School of American art.
Upon carrying out his formal education, Hopper made three trips to Europe to study the up-and-coming art scene there, but unlike many of his generation who imitated the theoretical cubist experiments, the romanticism of the realist painters enamored Hopper. His early schemes reflect the realist influence.
While he worked for more than a few years as a commercial artist, Hopper continued painting. In 1925 he shaped House by the Railroad, a classic work that marks his artistic maturity. The piece is the first of a sequence of stark urban and rural scenes that uses sharp lines and large shapes, played upon by strange lighting to capture the feeling alone mood of his subjects. He derived his subject matter from the ordinary features of American life — gas stations, motels, the railroad, or an empty street.
The best known of these paintings, Nighthawks (1942), shows the forlorn customers frequenting a downtown all-night diner. The diner’s cruel electric lights set it off from the gentle night outside. The diners, seated at stools around the counter, are similarly isolated from one another, dazzling on themselves.
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Painter - Apelles
Probably born at Colophon in Ionia, he first deliberates under Ephorus of Ephesus, but after he had attained some star he became a student to Pamphilus at Sicyon (N.H. 35.36.75). He thus joints the Dorian thoroughness with the Ionic grace. Attracted to the court of Philip II, he painted him and the young Alexander with such achievement that he became the documented court painter of Macedon, and his picture of Alexander holding a thunderbolt ranked with the Alexander with the spear of the sculptor Lysippus.
Apelles was a modern of Protogenes, whose reputation he advocated. Apelles traveled to Protogenes’ home on Rhodes make the acquaintance of this painter he had heard so much about. Arriving at Protogenes’s studio, he came across an old woman who told him that Protogenes was out and asked for his name so she could report who had enquired after him. Observing in the studio a panel Protogenes had ready for a painting, Apelles walk over to the easel, and taking up a brush tells the servant to tell Protogenes “this came from me,” and drew in color a very fine line across the panel. When Protogenes returned, and the old woman explained what had taken place, he looked at the line and marked that only Apelles can have done so ideal of work; Protogenes then curved in a brush into another color and drew a still finer line above the first one, and asked his servant to demonstrate this to the visitor must he return. When Apelles returned, and was shown Protogenes’ response, ashamed that his strength be bettered, he drew in a third color an even finer line between the first two, leaving no room for another show of craftsmanship. On seeing this, Protogenes admit defeat, and went out to seek Apelles and meet him face-to-face.
Pliny claims that this extremely painting had been part of the collection of Julius Caesar, but was destroyed when Caesar’s mansion on the Palatine Hill burned down.
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Painter - Zeuxis and Parrhasius
Zeuxis’ most notable works included Helen, Zeus Enthroned, and The Infant Hercules Strangling the Serpent. He is said to have laughed to death at one of his own paintings.
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Artists - Cimabue
Not much is recognized about his life, and there is small surviving documentation. His life was described in Giorgio Vasari’s The Lives of the most outstanding Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, extensively regarded as the first art history book. However, Vasari complete his book over 200 years after Cimabue’s death, so although it is one of the few records we have of him, its accuracy is unknown.
From the commissions that he got, Cimabue appears to have been extremely regarded in his day. While Cimabue was at work in Florence, Duccio was the chief artist, and possibly his rival, in nearby Siena. Cimabue was specially made to paint two very large frescoes for the Basilica of St Francis of Assisi. They are on the walls of the transepts, a Crucifixion and a Deposition. Both paintings have the Cross at the centre and are filled with abundant figures. Unfortunately, these works are a dim shadow of the magnificence that they once were. Invading French crowd used the building as a stable. The straw caught alight and the frescoes were harshly damaged. The white paint had contained silver that oxidized and turned black, leaving the faces and much of the drapery of the figures in negative.
The Madonna of St Francis Another unhappily damaged work is the great Crucifix of Santa Croce reproduced on this page. It was the key work of art that was lost in the flood in Florence in 1966. Much of the paint from the body and face washed away.
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History of abstract art
On White 2, 1924, by Kandinsky Non-objective art is not a creation of the twentieth century. In the Jewish and Islamic devotion the depiction of human beings was not allowed. Consequently the Islamic and Jewish cultures urbanized a high standard of decorative arts. Calligraphy is too a form of non-figurative art. Abstract designs have also existed in western culture in a lot of contexts. However, Abstract art is distinct from pattern-making in design, since it draws on the difference between decorative art and fine art, in which a painting is an entity of thoughtful contemplation in its own right.
Even before the extensive use of photography some artists, such as James McNeill Whistler were insertion greater emphasis on illustration sensation than the depiction of objects. Whistler argued that art must concern itself with the harmonious arrangement of colors, just as music deals with the harmonious deal of sounds. Whistler’s painting Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket (1874) is frequently seen as a main move towards abstraction. Later artists such as Wassily Kandinsky argued that modern science dealt with active forces, enlightening that matter was eventually spiritual in character: art must display the spiritual forces behind the image world. Many of these artists were prejudiced by esotericism movements such as theosophy, in which abstract “thought forms” were used to illustrate the psychic forces allegedly generated by emotions, music and other events. The work of Wassily Kandinsky and Kashmir Malevich in addition to Natalia Goncharova and Mikhail Larionov, are usually seen as the first entirely abstract paintings in 1911. Movements in modern art are to be careful in terms of the concepts which they exemplify, accompanied as they were by manifestos and declarations.
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Modern Painting Tips
1. Formulate what you hope to attain, and devise a workable route to that objective.
2. Research the market if you desire to sell the work.
3. Approach the painting course in logical steps that usually entail:
A. Drawings to explore compositional possibilities.
B. Blocked-out charcoal/pencil/oil sketches to arrange tonal values.
C. Oil sketches to experiment with a range of color schemes and harmonies.
D. Preparing canvas and paint for the anticipated tasks.
E. Applying paint to canvas, either incorporate the results of b and c in direct painting, or by tackling them in distinct phases.F. Varnishing, framing and hanging the work.
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Modern Painting Tips
1. Formulate what you hope to attain, and devise a workable route to that objective.
2. Research the market if you desire to sell the work.
3. Approach the painting course in logical steps that usually entail:
A. Drawings to explore compositional possibilities.
B. Blocked-out charcoal/pencil/oil sketches to arrange tonal values.
C. Oil sketches to experiment with a range of color schemes and harmonies.
D. Preparing canvas and paint for the anticipated tasks.
E. Applying paint to canvas, either incorporate the results of b and c in direct painting, or by tackling them in distinct phases.F. Varnishing, framing and hanging the work.
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Preparing the surface before painting
1.Before you start, do not forget to put a drop sheet on the floor and cover any furnishings you don’t desire splattered with paint.
2.Thoroughly fresh and dry the surface before painting.
3.As a general rule of thumb, anything with a glossy surface needs to be dulled before painting.
4.High-gloss surfaces should be cleaned and sanded in order for the paint to bond.
5.An oil based primer or coat of flat paint can take the shine off a surface and arrange it for the new paint.You would require a flat, smooth surface for this to work effectively
6.Scrape off flaking paint and wallpaper.
7.Patch holes and cracks, allowing the area to dry before proceeding.
8.Sand raised imperfections, bubbles and blisters.9.Apply a primer if necessary. Repaired, patched, stained and new surfaces need a coat of primer before painting.If the surface has been painted before, you only require to paint the patched or repaired areas.
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Technique for Cleaning Paintings
1. Buy a loaf (two or three loaves if the painting is large) of high-quality doughy bread–a large sourdough works nicely.
2. On a pretty day, take the painting outdoors–or work in on a large drop cloth–since this is an untidy procedure.
3. Using dough pulled from the inside of the loaf; scrub the painting using gentle pressure. You would see the soil collect on the dough. Get a new hunk of dough as the older piece gets filthy or disintegrates. Continue this process over the whole surface of the work.
4. Using a soft bristle brush– such as a fine quality house painting brush–brush the left over dough crumbs off the painting. Go systematically over the entire surface as the dough likes to stick and any remaining crumbs would be an enticement to insects.
Good luck with your spring cleaning!
* 100% handmade oil paintings on canvas on http://www.bigtimearts.com/* reasonable prices and high quality reproduction.* Skilled artists with 10-20 years full time working experience* Custom oil painting* Do wholesale ,dropshiping,retailer* Excellent service team will follow your every message in time* 6-8 days delivery
Painting Tips - Tools and Paints
• Step stool or ladder• Drop cloths• Paintbrushes, 1” and 2”• Artist brush for small spaces• Angled sash brushes, 1 ½” and 2”• Buckets• Sandpaper• Paint edger• Rollers• Roller pan with screen• Roller handle• Roller extension• Paint guide• Spackle or wood filler• 2” masking tape• Paint thinner – if you are using oil based paints• Rags• Tack cloth
There are expertise tools you might desire to use for special paint effects:
• Tape measurer• Plumb line for marking vertical drops• Natural or synthetic mop for the sponging technique• Chamois for ragging• Different shapes of rubber combs for wood grain effects• Craft knives
There are a variety of paints suitable for use on dissimilar surfaces and for achieving dissimilar effects. It is significant that you decide the right paint for the surface on which you are painting, and to get the look you desire.
Porous surfaces and bare woods need the use of a primer to seal the wall and provide a base for the paint finishes. A basecoat on top of the primer not only protects the surface but also provides a soft base for the topcoat.
Traditional paints are water or oil based and classically come in four finishes:
• Matt – Flat finish water based paint used on essential walls. Fast drying and tends to mark easily.• Satin – Mid sheen oil based paint that is washable and tougher than the matt finish.• Gloss – Oil based paint with a high sheen end that is washable and durable.• Eggshell – Faint sheen oil based paint that tends to show marks.
Acrylic paints are water based and could be added to other water based paints for decorative motifs and embellishments. Enamel paints are oil based and is used on metal surfaces and other surfaces requiring a rough finish. Both acrylic and enamel paints come in a broad variety of colors.
* 100% handmade oil paintings on canvas on http://www.bigtimearts.com/* reasonable prices and high quality reproduction.* Skilled artists with 10-20 years full time working experience* Custom oil painting* Do wholesale ,dropshiping,retailer* Excellent service team will follow your every message in time* 6-8 days delivery
Useful Tips for Making Modern art
2.The palette should be made of hard dark wood, best of all, of pear. After work wash the palette with turpentine and rub it with a razor. Before work clean the palette with linseed oil.
3.The canvas must be primed as well a few more times and in conclusion it should be ground with fine sandpaper. After that the canvas must be scraped with a razor to take away the canvas texture till smooth dead surface similar to the egg’s surface is achieved.
4.It is very significant to have objects for still lives in the studio. Don’t be stingy at garage sales and flea markets, you might regret it later.
5.The drawing is ready on paper life-size to the smallest details. Then it is transferred to the canvas by carbon-paper. After that the drawing is outlined with brown ink as the first oil layer.
6.Before each new layer the canvas (ideally dried during 7 weeks) is cautiously wiped with a half of an onion (in order to prepare the dried surface to soak up better) and then with linseed oil. After that the canvas is wiped with a soft part of cloth.
7.IMPRIMATURA or the first paint layer. The canvas is covered with a fluid mixture based on Red Ochre, Yellow Ochre Light and Ivory Black (the mixture must have an olive hue).
8.The dead layer - the fourth PODMALYOVOK - is made with white lead, light ocher, red ocher, and even burnt bone. The aim of this PODMALYOVOK is penumbra. The picture should look as if its objects were lit with moonlight - olive cold gray color. Colors are applied densely, half a tone higher, shadows are very transparent, half a tone lower.
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Oil Painting Techniques: Making it Simple
1. Formulate what you expect to achieve, and plan a practical route to that objective.
2. Research the market if you desire to sell the work.
3. Approach the painting procedure in logical steps, which usually entail:
*Drawings to examine compositional possibilities.
*Blocked-out charcoal/pencil/oil sketches to position tonal values.
*Oil sketches to trial with various color schemes and harmonies.
*Preparing canvas and paint for the predictable tasks.
*Applying paint to canvas, either incorporating the outcome of b and c in direct painting, or by tackling them in distinct phases.
*Varnishing, framing and hanging the work.
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James Frothing ham - American artist
Life and work
James Frothing ham was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In the Boston area, he deliberate as a student of Gilbert Stuart, becoming a portraitist of talent, and Stuart is quote as having said of one of Frothing ham’s head portraits, “No man in Boston but me can paint so good a head.” Frothing ham was very much helped by Gilbert Stuart’s criticisms and encouragement, although originally his Nestor had advised him to adopt another, less precarious means of earning a livelihood. There is a complete portrait of Samuel Dexter, by Frothing ham, in the Harvard Memorial Hall, in which Dexter, wearing a white wig and a red cloak atop a black coat, holds a book in his hand, and appears lost in thought. The flesh coloring in the painting is rather dry and parchment-like, but overall, the color is pleasant-sounding. Dunlap noted that heads depicted by James Frothing ham were painted with enormous truth, freedom, and excellence.
Frothing ham would have been a local participant to the younger Chester Harding (1792–1866), but in 1826, James Frothing ham moved to Brooklyn in New York City.
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Edwin Holgate - Canadian Artists
Holgate studied at the Art Association of Montreal during William Brymner (who also taught A. Y. Jackson) times and later Maurice Cullen. In 1912 he studied in Paris. He was traveling Ukraine during the outset of World War I, and was forced to cross Asia to return to Canada. He returned to France with the group Canadian Army.
Holgate’s first presentation was detained at the Arts Club of Montreal in 1922. He taught timber engraving at the Montreal’s École des Beaux-Arts from 1928 to 1934.
The National Gallery of Canada held a display of his work in 1975. The Montreal Museum of Fine Art prearranged another retrospective in 2005.
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Brian Jungen - Canadian Artists
Jungen’s art draws upon the tradition of “found art,” took up by such twentieth-century artists as Andy Warhol and Marcel Duchamp. Instead of presenting objects “as-is,” nevertheless, Jungen often reworks them without fully hiding their original meaning or purpose. For instance, Jungen’s series Prototypes of New Understanding consists of indigenous masks assembled from parts of Nike Air Jordan shoes and also hand-sewn. Jungen writes: “It was attractive to see how by just manipulating the Air Jordan shoes you could suggest specific cultural traditions whilst simultaneously amplifying the process of cultural corruption and assimilation. The Nike mask sculptures seemed to eloquent a paradoxical relationship between a industrial artefact and an ‘authentic’ native artifact.”
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Lena Karpinsky - Canadian Artists
Lena Karpinsky was born in Moscow, Russia. She is the granddaughter of Professor Ilya Klyachko (Piano faculty, Moscow Conservatory).
Lena Karpinsky lived from 1991 to 2000 in Israel. Since 2000, she had lived and worked in a Toronto, Ontario, Canada suburb.
Lena’s preferred subjects are music and flowers. Most of her compositions are abstract; some can also be described as naïve art.
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Aart Kemink - Canadian Artists
While Kemink held his own among Amsterdam and the Rotterdam’s artistic elite (a disparate group, which included artists such as Piet Mondrian, Anton Rooskens, Corneille, and even Eugène Brands). His reticence had to adopt a style or affiliate with a movement shielded his work from his influence of banal and ephemeral trends in Modern and Post-Modern Dutch painting. Upon his arrival in Canada, he settled in Manitoba, and then finally in Toronto, Ontario. Kemink’s works are distributed throughout Canada and the United States by Maurice Amar, curator of Toronto’s eminent Laurier Gallery.
Kemink’s work is largely abstract and tangentially influenced by the oeuvre of Marc Chagall and Willem de Kooning. Much of his work of the Forties and Fifties was affected by World War II and the deleterious effects of the Nazi presence in Holland. During the war, Kemink fought for the Dutch resistance
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Christopher Kier
His works have been obtained by corporate collections such as those of Air Canada, Westin and Nordstrom.
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Germaine Koh - Canadian Artists
She is an abstract artist working out of Vancouver, B.C., self-described as having “no fixed address” whose art included usage of everyday objects and familiar concepts into her work. Her work is known to the world and she has been shown at many galleries, plus the Art Gallery of Alberta in 2004, Frankfurter Kunstverein during 2003, and Bloomberg SPACE during 2003 and in many other renowned galleries across globe.
Her work could be characterized by public communication and also everyday concepts. For example, one of her latest works “Call” is a very old telephone in a public space. When the phone is picked up it arbitrarily dials a number of a participant, which had agreed to have conversations with strangers at any time of the day.
There isn’t a typical “Germaine Koh” piece - she utilizes many other different materials for every piece she creates, yet each piece encompasses a real ideology, perhaps best said by Koh herself in a Rhizome.org Interview.
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Cornelius Krieghoff - Canadian Artists
Krieghoff was born in Amsterdam, but moved to New York during 1836. In 1840 he moved to Canada, where his wife Emily was from. In 1871 Krieghoff moved to Chicago, died within the year at the age of 56. He is buried in the Graceland Cemetery in Chicago.
His work includes:
•French Canadian Habitants Playing at Cards (1848 ), lithograph with watercolor on wove paper•The Sleigh Race on the St-Lawrence at Quebec (1852), oil on canvas•Montmorency Falls (1853), oil on canvas•The Habitant Farm (1856)•Self-portrait (1855), oil on canvas•Bilking the Toll (1860), oil on canvas
* 100% handmade oil paintings on canvas on http://www.bigtimearts.com/* reasonable prices and high quality reproduction.* Skilled artists with 10-20 years full time working experience* Custom oil painting* Do wholesale ,dropshiping,retailer* Excellent service team will follow your every message in time* 6-8 days delivery
William Kurelek - Canadian Artists
He was born near Whitford, Alberta during 1927. His family lost the entire farm during the Great Depression and then moved to Stonewall, Manitoba. He already had an early interest in art which was not motivated by his hard-working parents. He then studied at the Ontario College of Art and at the Instituto Allende in Mexico.
In 1952, he was hospitalized in England for depression and other emotional problems. Originally Ukrainian Orthodox, Kurelek converted to the Roman Catholic Church in 1957 and later painted a number of series 160 paintings on the Passion of Christ.
He returned to Toronto and also produced a series of classic children’s books including his own artwork:
•A Prairie Boy’s Winter (1973) ISBN 0-88776-102-X•Lumberjack (1974) ISBN 0-88776-378-2•A Prairie Boy’s Summer (1975) ISBN 0-88776-116-X•A Northern Nativity (1976) ISBN 0-88776-099-6•In 1976, he was made a Member of the Order of Canada. He died in Toronto in 1977.
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Ozias Leduc
Leduc was chiefly self-taught. Around 1880, he worked with the Luigi Cappello, an Italian painter, on the church decorations. Around 1881, he was employed at the Carli, a manufacturer of statues in the Montreal. Around 1883, he also worked with Adolphe Rho; adorn another church, this time in the Yamachiche, Quebec. After that, he then started working on his own on church decorations. Leduc made a short trip to Paris and London during 1897 along with Suzor-Coté, where he was influenced by some impressionists.
Leduc also received an honorary doctorate from the University de Montréal during 1938. His legacy includes teaching Paul-Émile Borduas.
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Arthur Lismer - Canadian Artists
He was born in Sheffield, England; he emigrated from England to Canada during 1911. He settled in the Toronto, Ontario and took a job with new Grip - a commercial design company. The collaboration of four artists working at the Grip gradually evolved into as the “Group of Seven”, easily the most well-known art movement in the Canadian painting history. Another artist was also associated with the group is Tom Thomson (though technically he died before this group formed), who also worked with the cadre at Grip.
Arthur Lismer’s style was mainly influenced by his pre-Canadian experience (primarily in Antwerp) where he found the Barbizon and post-impressionist movements a cheif inspiration.
Collaborating with the group of artists who would, during 1919, and became the Group of Seven, Lismer exhibits the characteristic organic style, and own spiritual connection with the landscape that could embody that group’s work.
In 1967 he was made a Companion of the Order of Canada.
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Rafael Lozano-Hemmer - Canadian Artists
He created what might be the world’s largest interactive fitting, Vectorial Elevation; a work, which was installed at Mexico City in 1999, in Vitoria-Gasteiz in 2002, in Lyon in 2003 and in the Dublin in April-May 2004.
He has also received several prizes, including an Ars Electronica Golden Nica in 2000.
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Attila Richard Lukacs
Lukacs is always best known for paintings, which depict exaggerated masculine figures such as gay skinheads and for military cadets, depicted nude and in homosexually eroticized clothing: uniforms, Skinhead Street consistent of tight jeans, Doc. Marten boots, braces, and then for Fred Perry shirts. While his work is occasionally derided as a pornographic, acceptance and for sale of Lukacs’ work has gone very well beyond a gay market. His paintings often referred the compositions and themes of David and Caravaggio plus the compositional devices of the miniature painters and illustrators of the great India and the Middle East.
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Guido Molinari - Canadian Artists
Molinari was born in the city Montreal. He started his painting at age 13, and his existentialist approach to art was then formed during a bout with tuberculosis at age 16, during that period he read Nietzsche, Sartre, Piaget, and Camus. He studied at the École des beaux-arts de Montréal and also the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
His work is famous for its focus on the modular and contrasting colors, shapes, and lines. It is well-exhibited worldwide, including the National Gallery of Canada, the Musée d’art contemporizing de Montréal, and then Guggenheim Museum and Museum of Modern Art in the New York
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Lucius Richard O’Brien - Canadian Artists
He was the first and the founding president of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts in the 1880 and editor of Picturesque Canada (1882).
He died in Toronto, Ontario at the age of 67
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Kim Ondaatje - Canadian Artists
Born in Toronto, Ontario, Ondaatje and she studied at the Ontario College of Art and McGill University. She further completed a M.A. in Canadian Literature at Queen’s University, as on a teaching fellowship. Until 1964, Ondaatje then served as a part-time lecturer at Wilfred Laurier University and at the Sherbrooke University. In the early 1960s she returned back to the visual arts again and by 1965 she was into painting full time. In 1967, with fellow Canadian artists Jack Chambers and other friend Tony Urquhart, she founded Canadian Artists Representation (CAR) that today is the Canadian Artists Representation/Frontes des Artistes Canadians (CARFAC). CAR was the first artist group in the world to set up a fee structure for public museum and gallery exhibitions of modern artists.
Her paintings and films are now part of various collections in galleries across Canada with the National Gallery of Canada, the Art Gallery of Ontario, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, the Doris McCarthy Gallery at the University of Toronto and other Confederation Centre Art Gallery, in Prince Edward Island.
She was married to the Canadian poet D.G. Jones, and then married the poet and novelist Michael Ondaatje. She also has six children.
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Mimi Parent - Canadian Surrealist Artist
She was the eighth child of the nine children of architect Lucien Parent. Between 1942 and 1947 she pursued her studied art at the Ecole des Beaux Arts de Montréal and there she met the artist Jean Benoît (whom she later married in 1948). In 1947 she had her first one-woman exhibition displayed at the Dominion Gallery in Montreal and received praise from Time Magazine.
In 1948 she received the Cézanne medal and she exhibited at the “Surrealist intrusion into the Enchanter’s Domain” in city New York during 1960 and in 1966 had an only exhibition at the “Maya” gallery in Brussels. She then exhibited in Chicago, London, Lausanne and Frankfurt. She assisted with the association of the “”Exposition Internationale du Surréalisme”" (EROS) that ran from December 15, 1959-February 15, 1960 in Paris, with the menu for the exhibition being designed by Parent and Duchamp. The display catalogue, titled Boite Alerte - Missives Lascives, was presented as a green box into which ideas can be ‘posted’.
She lived and also worked in Paris, France. She died 14 June 2005 in Switzerland.
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Paul Peel - Canadian Painter
Peel was born in London, Ontario, and then received his art training from his father from his young age itself. Later to that he studied under William Lees Judson and at the Academy of Fine Arts in the Philadelphia under Thomas Eakins.
He then moved to Paris, France where he got art training at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and at that Academy Julian under Benjamin Constant, Henri Doucet and Jules Lefebvre. In 1882 he got married Isaure Verdier and had two children with her.
Peel traveled broadly in Canada and in the Europe, displaying as a member of the Ontario Society of Artists and the Royal Canadian Academy. He also exhibited at global shows like the Paris Salon.
He got a lung infection and died in his sleep, in Paris, France, at the age of 32.
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William Perehudoff - Canadian Painter
Life and career
Born in Saskatchewan in 1919, his formal education took and ended at grade four, and worked on his parent’s farm near Saskatoon for few years even as developing an interest in art. He became a close friend of the art critic Clement Greenberg, who is having already been closely associated with Greenberg’s idea of Post-painterly Abstraction.
In 1994, he was awarded the Saskatchewan Order of Merit.
Due to failing health, Perehudoff gave up painting in 2001.
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Christopher Pratt - Canadian Painter
His works include:Good Friday (1973)March Night (1976)March Crossing (1977)Benoit’s Cove: Sheds in winter (1998)He had designed the flag of Newfoundland and Labrador.
In 1973 he was made an Officer of the Order of Canada and was very much promoted to Companion in 1983.
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Mary Pratt - Canadian Painter
She attended Mount Allison University, graduating during 1961. She married to artist Christopher Pratt, from Mount Allison. After the marriage, she continued with him to Newfoundland. Her first solo exhibition was held at the Memorial University Art Gallery in Newfoundland during 1967. In 1996, she was honored with the title “Companion of the Order of Canada”.
Her works include:
The Back Porch (1966)Caplin (1969)Eviscerated Chickens (1971)Red Currant Jelly (1972)Amaryllis (1975)
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Don Reichert - Canadian Painter
He has worked intimately with globally, acclaimed clay painter Robert Archambeau. Both artists operate studios in the distant Canadian town of the Bissett, Manitoba.
Reichert has for some years been allied with the arts magazine Border Crossings.
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Jean-Paul Riopelle - Canadian Painter
Born in Montreal, he studied under Paul-Émile Borduas during 1940s and was a member of Les Automatists movement. He was one of the good signers of the Refus global manifesto. In 1949 he moved to Paris and then continued his career as a painter, where he commercialized on his picture as a “wild Canadian”. His life and artistic partner was the great American painter, Joan Mitchell. They also kept separate homes and studios near Giverny, where Monet lived. They were influenced one another significantly, as much rationally as artistically, but their relationship was a violent one, fueled by alcohol. At times their styles were extraordinarily similar.
In June, 2006 the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts prearranged a displayed exhibition that was presented at the State Hermitage Museum at Saint Petersburg, Russia and the Musee Cantini in the Marseilles, France. The Musee des Beaux Arts de Montreal still has a number of his works, spanning his whole career, in their permanent collection.
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Tony Scherman - Canadian Painter
Jack Shadbolt - Canadian Painter
Born in Shoeburyness, England, he then came to Canada with his parents during 1912, and was raised in Victoria, British Columbia. From the period 1928 to 1937, he taught in high schools in Duncan, British Columbia and Vancouver, British Columbia. He studied with his companion Frederick Varley at the Vancouver School of Art. From 1938 to 1966, he taught at the Vancouver School of Art and was the head of painting and also drawing section until 1966. During World War II, he was an official War artist for the Canadian Army.
In the year 1972, he was made an Officer of the Order of Canada. In 1990, he was also awarded by the Order of British Columbia.
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Rudolf Stussi - Canadian Painter
Rudolf was totally involved in animation with Toronto based Nelvana. He also directed the award winning series “Little Bear” and “Rolie-Polie-Olie” and the great film “Heidi”. In the year 1998, Stussi was the subject of a monograph by the Canadian art critic Paul Duval and had illustrated several books.
His published works include:
•Rudolf Stussi, Painter by Paul Duval, Benteli (Switzerland), 1988•Periwinkle Isn’t Paris by Marylin Eisenstein, Tundra Books (Canada), 1999•Heidi by Johanna Spyri, Desertina (Switzerland), 2000\
He was represented by galleries in Canada, the United States, Switzerland, Germany and Austria.
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Marc Aurele de Foy Suzor-Cote - Canadian Painter

He was born in Arthabaska, Quebec in the year 1869. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts at Paris with Léon Bonnat during 1890s. After him return to Quebec during the year 1908, he produced many impressionist paintings of the Quebec landscape, and lot of portraits, nudes, historical paintings and later sculptures.
Suzor-Cote became paralyzed in the year 1927 and later died at Daytona Beach, Florida in 1937.
Tom Thomas - Canadian Atists

Thomson was mainly self-taught. He was then employed as a graphic designer with Toronto’s Grip Ltd., an experience that honed his draughtsmanship. Although he started his painting and drawing at quite early age, it was only in 1912, when Thomson was too much into his thirties, that he began painting very seriously. His first trips to Algonquin Park mainly inspired him to follow the lead of fellow artists in creating oil sketches of natural scenes on small, rectangular panels for easy portability as traveling. Between 1912 and his death in 1917, Thomson made hundreds of these small sketches, many of which are now housed in such beautigul galleries as the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto and the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa.
Tristan Tondino - Canadian Painter

In the late-1990s Tondino painted and displayed a number of works that he himself called Irrealist. His work cannot truly be said to have a precise style, anyhow many are Lettrist abstractions. Tondino’s parents were painter/educator Gentile Tondino RCA (1923–2001) and Livia Tondino (1925–2003). Gentile Tondino was his primary early painting influence.
He painted 40 works on a trip to Europe, which burned in a car fire on the Amalfi coast during 1987. In the 1990s Tondino started devoting himself even more seriously to the creation of artworks. The early works then move back and forth from En plein air (e) paintings to works was mainly influenced by Willem de Kooning and Pablo Picasso. These early works are colorful, free paintings in a direct impasto technique.
Frederick Varley - Canadian Painter

Varley was born in Sheffield, England in the year 1881 and studied art in Sheffield and in Belgium. He came to Canada during 1912 on the counsel of another Sheffield native, Arthur Lismer, and explored his work at Grip Ltd. He then served in the First World War and painted scenes of battle from his own experiences of the time. His major gift to art, however, was for his own work with the Group of Seven. He and Lawren Harris were the only members in that group to paint portraits.He died in Toronto in 1969.
Horatio Walker - Canadian Painter

Walker was born at Listowel, Ontario on May 13, 1858. In 1873 he moved to Toronto, Ontario, where he was a trainee at the photography firm of Notman and Frasier. In 1883 he moved to Rochester, New York. In 1883 he married Jeanette Pretty (d. 1938) of Toronto. He had two children, Alice (1884-1891) and Horatio Jr. (1886-1910). Walker was a member of few artists’ organizations, as well as the American Watercolor Society (1882), the Royal Canadian Academy of Art (associate member in 1883, was a full member in 1913), the Society of American Artists (1887), the National Academy of Design (associate member during 1890, full member during 1891), and the British Institute of Watercolors (1901). He was a opening member of the Canadian Art Club that elected him as its president in 1915. In 1928 he officially leaves and moved to Sainte-Pétronille, Quebec. He died there on September 27, 1938.
Walker’s awards and prizes include:
•Gold medals, American Art Gallery, New York (1887, 1889)•Evans Prize, American Watercolor Society (1888)•Bronze medal, World Exposition, Paris, France (1889)•Gold medal, World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Illinois (1893)•Gold medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, New York (1901)•Gold medal, Charleston Exposition, Charleston, South Carolina (1902)•Two gold medals (for oil and watercolor), Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Missouri (1904)•Medal of honor, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1906)•First prize, Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, Massachusetts (1907)•Gold medal, Pan-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, California (1915)
Edward “Ted” Fenwick Zuber - Canadian Artists

Throughout his experience on the Korean Front, Zuber had a sketch book with him to record the action around him. During which time he shaped many drawings and maintains a full “Sketch diary”. These pictorial records of Canada’s Korean association are chiefly precious historically, as there was no official war painter assigned to Canada’s Korean involvement. Thirteen paintings from Zuber’s “Korean War Series” are now in the set of the Canadian War Museum.
On December 17, 1991 Zuber was awarded with Kuwait and Gulf medal by Chief of the Defense Staff, General John de Chastelain. He was even awarded with the Korean Medal on November 11, in the year 1991 together with the other Canadians who served in Korea. Zuber is the only Canadian service man or woman to have both the Korean War award and the Gulf War medal.
Kamilo Almanza - Mexican Artists

Jose Baray - Mexican Artists

Jose Baray Ramirez is the one of oldest and most experienced painter/muralist of a colony of artists in the Copper Canyon area in northwestern Mexico. Born in Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua during 1942, Baray earned a Master of Fine Arts degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) during 1969. He founded the Street Artists Guild at Mexico City as attending the university. Baray visited United States and Canada from the late 1960s and into the 1980s, showing his work and becoming well-famous in art circles.
Befriended by American painter Georgia O’Keeffe, Baray designed the well garden and laid its flagstone at her Ghost Ranch home near Abiquiu, New Mexico. Her influence could be seen in some of his paintings and murals.
Luis Barragan - Mexican Artist

An engineer by training, he did his graduation from the Escuela Libre de Ingenieros in year 1923 and was totally self-taught as an architect. After graduation, he traveled widely in Spain, France (where he attended lectures of Le Corbusier), and at Morocco. He practiced structural design in Guadalajara from 1927-1936, and in Mexico City thereafter. In 1945 he created the planification and development plan of the Jardines Del Pedregal, and in 1955 he rebuild the historical Convento de las Capuchinas Sacramentarias in Tlalpan, both situated at the southern part of Mexico City.
In 1980, he became the second winner of the Pritzker Prize. His house and studio, build in year 1948 in Mexico City, is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Arnold Belkin - Mexican Artists

In his youth he attended the Vancouver School of Art and developed a deep interest for Muralism. Choosing Muralism as his way, he determined to meet and learn in person from the great painter of Muralism at that time, the Mexicans Diego Rivera, Jose Clemente Orozco and David Alfaro Siqueiros.
Arriving in Mexico City at the age of 18 years, Belkin going to La Esmeralda Art School and the INBA School for Painting and Sculpture. He also learned modern art methods at the Jose Gutierrez’ Workshop on Materials and Plastics.
He painted in that year La Bahia de Acapulco at the Continental Hilton Hotel (damaged in the earthquake during 1985) and was named Professor of Mural Techniques at the Universidad de las Americas. His famous Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, a moveable mural, was painted in 1959.
In the last decade of his life, Belkin’s prolific work was distinguished by great dynamism and theme innovation. He created hundreds of works, not only murals at government buildings and universities, but painted oils, acrylics and other media, plus sculpture. He died at 62
Miguel Covarrubias - Mexican Artists

He even worked as an illustrator for W.C. Handy’s publications.
Covarrubias is then well known for his analysis of pre-Colombian art of Mesoamerica, mostly that of the Olmec culture. His analysis of iconography presented a well-built case that the Olmec predated the Classic Era years before this was established by archaeology
Julio Galan - Mexican Artists

Galan was one of Latin America’s most popular neo-expressionist painters. He was first brought to international interest by Andy Warhol, who printed numerous of Galán’s works in his magazine, Interview, soon after Galán moved to New York City during 1984. There is some argument to whether Galan painted some of his paintings while under the influence of drugs.