
Francisco Toledo - Mexican Artists

Francisco Benjamin Lopez Toledo (b. 17th July 1940, Juchitán, Oaxaca, México) was the most vital living Mexican graphic artist. He studied at the Escuela de Bellas Artes de Oaxaca and the Centro Superior de Artes Aplicadas del Institutor National de Bellas Artes, Mexico, where he deliberate graphic arts with Guillermo Silva Santamaria. Graficas de Oaxaca (IAGO).

His social and artistic concerns about his home state led to his contribution in the organization of an significant art library at the IAGO, and his participation in the beginning of the Museo de Arte Contemporaneous de Oaxaca (MACO), the Patronato Pro-Defensa y Conservacion del Patrimonio Cultural de Oaxaca, a records for the blind, a photographic center, and the Eduardo Mata Music Library to name a little of his projects. Toledo’s exceptional originality has been spoken in pottery, sculpture, weaving, graphic arts, and paintings. He has had exhibitions in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, Belgium, France, Japan, Sweden, the United States, plus other countries. Toledo is at the same time an outstanding artist and a supporter and guardian of the arts and the crafts and architectural inheritance of his state of Oaxaca.