As We known, many brand handbags are made in Italy, who does make sure it? Maybe not, only depend on the label, it is easy to copy the label. Now, Handbags are big big sale for the recession holiday, one bag in regular price $2000 or more is in special sale $300 or under, seller still have profit.
If they are really made in Italy, it is impossible to make it. Firstly, for labor's salary. Second, factory's need profit. Third, Namebrand Company must have enough profit. Fourth:The store we buy from still have the profit. So according the above analysis, about 90% or more bags manufactured in China ,India or other developing countries which are with low labor and material cost. In fact, a bag's cost price is usually between $10 and $100 , so many many factories in China make a repalic, and many people here and there on street take one namebrand bags like Chanel, LV, Prada, Gucci and so on. For most Chinese, it is still have difficult to afford a authentic name brand bags, someone need to spend one month's salary, 2 months, 3 month or more getting one authentic. But for a repalic in the same quality, only RMB 300-RMB 800, Why not to get one?
Of course, there are also the poor quality's repalic bag, it is more cheaper, under RMB100.For that kind of bags, at your first sight, you can see it is a fake, for the super "AAA" quality, you have no way to distinguish them with authentic one.